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Benchmark Event



Benchmark Event

Benchmark Event is an annual event where we draw attention to the private and municipal housing and real estate companies that have been named the best landlords by their tenants. Continuous comparisons create impetus, both internally and for the entire industry. The purpose of the Benchmark Event is both to highlight the landlords who prioritize their customers and invest in high quality, as well as to create a platform for exchanging experiences.

Exchange of knowledge and experience

Fantastic efforts are made all the time and there is a willingness to share the knowledge with industry colleagues, also internationally. Our international customer companies, for example, are very curious about how Swedish real estate companies work with their customer service. Benchmark Event Sweden is held annually at Berns Salonger in Stockholm and Benchmark Event Germany at Hotel Atlantic Kempinski in Hamburg.

AktivBo is a specialists in the housing and real estate industry and works actively to profile the importance of customer satisfaction. We see it as an important part of our mission to highlight our customer companies in different ways, to support best practice and simplify networking.