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AktivBo launches new action planning tool for predictive analytics

AktivBo launches new action planning tool for predictive analytics

Almost all professional real estate companies and property owners conduct tenant surveys to increase efficiency, customer satisfaction and improve profitability. The importance of having a well-functioning customer dialogue is central, and an increasing number of companies are now also choosing to follow up on different parts of the customer journey separately to optimize different processes. The fact that social sustainability is on top on many real estate companies' agendas has also helped to highlight the importance of tenants' feedback as it provides measurability on security-creating efforts and sustainability initiatives. At AktivBo, we have supported real estate companies with this for over 30 years and can state that the challenge no longer lies in data collection. Most companies have understood the value of working data-driven and thus basing decisions on truth as opposed to opinions. The biggest reason why companies do not succeed in raising the tenant experience is that they do not get the organization on board and that the planed improvements (based on tenants' feedback) come to a halt.

AktivBo's method is based on listening to the tenants, doing the right thing in the right place and at the right time. It is important to prioritize effectively, and this means implementing improvements that are the most sought after by the tenants. In most cases these improvements are not the most cost intensive to implement, but instead involve softer less expensive topics. By streamlining improvements, it is also possible to avoid unnecessary investments while increasing tenant satisfaction. Figuring out what needs to be done is a necessary first step, but you also need to plan ahead and focus on the actual implementation. At AktivBo, action planning based on tenants' feedback have therefore always been a significant part of our work. Early on, we launched an action planning tool in our platform, to facilitate actions and improvements based upon tenant responses.

"Which measures have the most effect?"

A challenge in our previous action planning tool was that it did not answer the question of “how much a certain action affects the tenant satisfaction”. In order to demonstrate the tangible effect of a specific action, we have made a unique connection to the results for each action in our new action planning tool. This means that you will be able to see how much improvement in percentage action x has given on a question y. We have over 450 collaborations with real estate companies spread across 15+ countries. Based on the hundreds of thousands of actions that are continuously implemented by the real estate companies, AktivBo Analytics therefore provides the opportunity for predictive analyses. In a flexible way, it is possible to estimate with good precision how much effect the proposed measures will have and thus prioritize in new ways.

New generation action planning tools – AI-based action proposals

To streamline and minimize administrative time, the action planning tool already provides automatic action suggestions based on question type and survey. As a company, you can choose between having AI-based action proposals or tailoring your own depending on the type of survey. In addition, we have included opportunities to estimate the costs and savings of an action. All in all, this simplifies the work and allows for goals to be met and budget to be kept.

Of course, there are several solutions to the same challenge, but based on metadata and predictivity, the ambition is to be able to present which actions gives the best results for the specific question. In the next step, we will automatically be able to propose the actions that provide the best effect for the industry. For ongoing and continuous tenant surveys, this means a predictive approach where you can directly act on a specific issue with negative result trends.

AktivBo Analytics – tenant feedback and action planning tool in the same platform

AktivBo Analytics is an ecosystem for working with tenant satisfaction. We have optimized the workflow with customized services for real estate companies and it is crucial to be able to take action directly on the feedback received. Some real estate companies work in multiple tools for analysis and action planning based on the survey results, but if you get immediate feedback on how well implemented actions affect the result, it will be easier to succeed. We also believe that most employees gratefully avoid working in multiple platforms.


Some of key features in AktivBo Analytics' action plan tool:

  • Question-connection for all actions that show the result effect of the performed action
  • Financial follow-up – the ability to specify estimated and final costs as well as estimated savings for all measures
  • List views with change for all actions to continuously track how the actions are performing (for all surveys and action plans)
  • AI generated and quality-assured action proposals
  • Auto-generated action plans for new all surveys in AktivBo Analytics
  • Auto-linking divisions – all filters follow regardless of the selected division and enable grouping of actions at all different levels
  • Clearer follow-up and increased efficiency – automatically generated dashboard with an overview of how the work is progressing in all action plans
  • Mobile-friendly performer view for on-site operational work with a clear overview of dates and deadlines
  • Industry-optimized workflow – improved user experience with new design, clear dashboards with drag and drop functionality

Predictive and prescriptive analytics

Predictive analytics enables you to draw conclusions based on historical facts instead of going by gut feeling, and based on historical data it shows patterns and correlations. A prescriptive analysis is based on the predictive analysis and can thus automatically provide suggestions for solutions. Since the model itself in AktivBo Analytics is based on proposed actions, in the long run our model will be both predictive and prescriptive at the same time. This means that the analysis and action plan work is greatly reduced, or simply can be avoided. To get there, large amounts of data are of course required and the development of the platform will take place in stages. In combination with AI's further development, predictive and prescriptive analytics will be able to make a significant contribution to increased efficiency and automation.

Digital tools don't solve the problems (themselves)...

We are proud of our new service in AktivBo Analytics, but know that it takes more than a digital platform to succeed. To "make it happen", that is, to get the organization involved and aligned in the work, you have to create commitment and drive. Everyone needs to know what it takes, what the goal is and what the benefits will be. The action work must be followed up continuously, actions must be planned, implemented and ticked off.  Responsible people must be assigned for this being implemented, followed up and reported. The right conditions for the organization simply have to be created to achieve the desired result. In many of our assignments we are supporting our customers with action development, follow-up and change management, to ensure desired outcomes.


If you want to know more or have questions regarding the updates, you can ask them in the form below or contact your contact person at AktivBo directly!


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